
Eliminating the North Memphis Food Desert
The North Memphis Grocery Project led by Promise CDC is bringing a grocery store and much needed resources to the heart of District 7. The $25 million dollar project will continue the fight for food justice in our city.
Invested Communities =
Safe Communities
Increasing the affordable housing stock, financial support for non profits, and blight remediation all help make our communities more livable. Let's do more of this to continue the progress.
The Path Towards True Economic Opportunity For All
Local businesses, a sustainable workforce, and union trade representation all help our city thrive. These priorities can help us become a more prosperous city.
We deserve a Council Member that will give us not just photo ops, but honest attention. We need one that will act for our communities and not just for self promotion. A representative who understands our needs and will speak to our interests, one who will work to bring jobs to our residents and investment to our neighborhoods. We need someone who will push back against blight by targeting absentee landlords and opening more paths to home ownership. We deserve a representative who can build bridges between the local government, law enforcement, and neighborhoods in order to see a reduction in crime.
Continued Priorities
Increasing funding for more code enforcement officers and training for neighborhood-based code enforcement officers
Funding MLGW share the pennies program in coordination with TVA to increase funding for weatherization of homes
Support the "Neighbor Next Door" program to attract teachers, law enforcement, and first responders to housing within City limits
Fight for adequate City services such as street lights and sewer systems
Support expungement and reentry programs
Advocate for more funding of cameras and the establishment of neighborhood watch groups and police joint associations (PJA)
Partner with County government to increase access to mental health services
Support the Mayor's Summer Youth Program, and advocate for additional opportunities during school Winter and Spring Breaks
Advocate for the funding of more youth programming year-round
Partnering with community associations and financial institutions to increase home ownership programs
Allocate budget funding for housing for the homeless, as well as job opportunities
Fully funding MATA public transportation in the City of Memphis
Advocate for community investment requirements in local business and construction
Fight for the inclusion of labor organizations and apprenticeships in local infrastructure contracts
Support living wage for City employees and a fully funded pension
Advocate for investment in community business districts
Eliminate food deserts by fighting for correct property assessment of "groceries" and attracting grocery stores
Support the cleaning and maintenance of all waterways in District 7
Advocate for more partnerships between local government and neighborhoods in order to upkeep City parks
Review zoning to re-imagine business districts
Fight to remediate brownfields in order to fuel further development in the district